OP-ED: Systemic Racism Overwhelms Our Culture

It’s not easy being black in the United States. Despite America’s Horatio Alger mythology and its focus on personal effort as the way to overcome all obstacles, being born black can work counter to success.

OP-ED: Plenty of Blame for Turmoil at a Tennessee Lockup

Running a prison is difficult under any circumstances. With conflicting demands to provide both security and rehabilitative services, and often understaffed and poorly funded, it’s not surprising that most prisons struggle to rise above the level of hellhole.

OP-ED: We Need the Legalization of Being Black

I have sometimes imagined that because of my time in prison I can understand what it is like to be black in the United States. I lived for nearly 25 years under conditions of control, viewed with suspicion and presumed dangerous.

OP-ED: Can Young Offenders Be Rehabilitated?

Are there those for whom redemption is impossible? I have known a lot of men who committed terrible deeds, and it seemed to me that every one of them had the potential to change, if they chose to and if they were properly supported.

OP-ED: Is It True America is Not for Black People?

Michael Brown was killed because he was black. He was killed because the police in his community, like those in many other communities across the nation, view citizens as the enemy, not as those whom they are sworn to “protect and serve.”