Cobb County, Ga.’s SafePath Children’s Advocacy Center wasted no time getting started on April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month activities, holding a kick-off event Friday morning. Attended by a large crowd of parents, police officials, and politicians braving the cold spring weather, the event shone a light on the importance of preventing child abuse.
The Walker School’s Lower School Chorus warmed up the crowd with a song before turning it over to a succession of speakers, including WSB-TV anchor Linda Stouffer and state Rep. Stacey Evans (D-Smyrna).
SafePath Board President Ed Lee spoke first, reminding the audience that child abuse prevention is an “active process.”

State Rep. Stacey Evans (D-Smryna)
It’s important to keep our eyes open and watch for signs of abuse, he said, a message that Rep. Evans reiterated.
“We need to talk to our friends and colleagues about getting involved,” Rep. Evans said.
Child abuse is often a self-perpetuating cycle, Evans said. Thirty percent of abused children will grow up to abuse their own children, so it is even more important to stop the violence now.