John Fleming
Aren’t experiments cool? Well, OK, not always. Sometimes the chemistry set blows up, but most of the time you learn something at least.
We just finished up an experiment here at JJIE, and thanks to you it was successful.
Bill Sanders, a former features writer at the Atlanta Journal Constitution brought us a story idea a few weeks ago about a program designed to warn kids about the dangers of activities that could lead to brain and neck injuries. It was an interesting proposal, but the nature of newsrooms these days – especially one as small as the JJIE’s – is that we don’t always have the money to pay for it.
That’s where Spot.Us came in. This is a website where organizations such as JJIE as well as individuals can go to get stories funded. The funders are other organizations and members of the public. The Spot.Us site also allows the public to suggest stories and participate with journalists on projects. Check it out if you haven’t already.
Sanders’ story appears on our page today. And, as promised, it is compelling.
And thanks to all of you who contributed, the rest of the public can read it.