Judge Steven Teske, the chief judge of juvenile court in Clayton County, Ga., and a frequent contributor to the JJIE, will appear on Talk of the Nation, a live nation-wide radio program today.
Teske, who was also the subject of a Washington Post story in mid-October, will speak on issues involving juvenile justice, including zero tolerance policies.
"Zero tolerance is zero intelligence," Teske says in the Post story.
Teske says zero tolerance policies have resulted in too many kids entering the juvenile justice system. In Teske’s opinion, “zero tolerance often means overpunishment for low-level misdeeds,” according to The Post. Because of that, he helped bring reforms to his home community of Clayton County, Ga., where Teske is chief juvenile court judge. Since implementing the changes, juvenile crime has dropped, recidivism is down and graduation rates are up.
Talk of the Nation is an NPR program that runs for two hours Monday through Thursday. It is hosted by long-time journalist Neal Conan. The program airs at 2 p.m. Eastern time.