4 thoughts on “Opinion: ‘For Many Years I Didn’t Believe I Was Human’

  1. Thank you, Z, for sharing humanity through your Truths, your tender heart yearning for the warmth and comfort of home, and how your bright light illuminated your heart through all the darkness was spectacular. You expressed struggle is so real in society today. All of us are searching and I praise God we’re able to experiences Jesus’ heart as we lean in. I pray due to Prop 47, 57, and now many others your sentence will be decreased and you’re able to find that home that wraps you in comfort and safety. Keep writing; you truly are a creative gift shedding light to darkness.

  2. A sad story, beautifully written. It is if I was there with him. “No matter how dehumanized, we are human,” a fundamental truth that is so easy to forget, to avoid.

    • Hello! I’m a friend of the man who wrote this. & I would like to say on his behalf thank you so much for your input. & also for taking the time to read what he wrote. I shared what you had said with him & he asked me to thank you & also share a link with you. The link is to more of his writing & is really like a diary. He’s very talented & I hope that if you choose to check it out you enjoy it! =)