Grant Helps Provide Music Programs

The Fender Music Foundation offers grants to established and sustainable music programs to provide music for folks who would not otherwise have the opportunity to make music. This grant awards grants to in-school music classes and after-school programs that aren’t run by the school. Grants are awarded ranging in value from $500-$5,000. The grant is available from July 15,2011 through November 15, 2011.  

The Redwood Education Grant Ensures Environmental Understanding With Kids

The Save the Redwoods League is offering the Redwood Education Grant. The purpose of this Grant is to help kids to gain a deeper understanding of the redwood forests through both personal and educational experiences. The grant is aimed at those who inspire people to conserve the redwood forests. This grant funds projects that help offer a chance to help kids go to the redwood forests, to help connect it to diverse backgrounds so it can remain culturally relevant, to help teachers teach about it and to help share the resources of the forest. The Deadline is June 30, 2011.

Captain Planet Foundation Gives Kids The Power to Help Environment

The power is yours with the Captain Planet Foundation. The Foundation offers the Captain Planet Environment Grants to help kids get hands-on with environmental projects. These grants encourage kids to work individually and together to help solve environmental problems in their neighborhoods and communities. The grant awards anywhere from $250 - $2,500. The Deadline for this grant is June 30, 2011.

Build A Bear Foundation Grant Gives a Hoot about Literacy and Education

Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation builds a strong foundation for literacy and education. This grant provides support through summer reading programs, early childhood education programs and literacy programs for children with special needs. This grant is made possible through the sale of a special Build A Bear stuffed animal named Turner the Owl. With each purchase of Turner the Owl, 50 cents is donated to First Book, a non-profit that helps kids in need get new books. It also helps support other literacy programs throughout North America.

Grant Helps Prevent Disproportionate Minority Contact with Juvenile Justice System

The Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention offers funding for the Disproportionate Minority Contact Community and Strategic Planning Project. The project helps states find ways to ensure that all kids in the Juvenile Justice System are treated fairly. This grant offers as much as $50,000 for a one-year period. The deadline for this project is June 27, 2011 at 11:59 P.M.


Grant Supports Men Who Oppose Violence Against Kids

The U.S. Department of Justice and the Office on Violence Against Woman is offering the Engaging Men in Preventing Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program. This Program assists the movement to end violence against women by including men. A recent national poll indicated that 73 percent of men feel they can help reduce domestic violence and sexual assault. This is the first program that supports projects that help raise awareness in the critical roles that men play in prevention of violence against women and girls. The aim is to help develop new male leaders who will speak and act to oppose violence against women. The deadline for this grant is June 30, 2011.

Grant Seeks Systematic Change In Juvenile Justice System

The Public Welfare Foundation offers a grant to support efforts to ensure fundamental rights and opportunities for people in need. The organization focuses on two programs, one of which is in criminal and juvenile justice. The goal of this grant is to help change the justice system. The foundation seeks groups who have strategies to lower rates of incarceration and prison populations by changing specific laws, policies or regulations. This due date for this grant is July 22, 2011.

Geometry Grant Gives Kids Opportunities

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics offers a grant to help improve students’ understanding of geometry. The grant is offered to help develop activities that will help kids like and understand geometry. This can be done through art, literature, music, nature and other relevant ways to get kids excited about geometry. The programs must be consistent with the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics of the National Council of Teachers and Mathematics and the applicant must also be a member of the council. The grant will award a maximum of $4,000  to teachers who teach pre K-8 grade level and focus on geometry content, the link between the geometry standard and the project's activities and the impact on learning.

Church Offers Grant for Kids

A Brighter Future for Children and Youth is a grant offered by the United Methodist Church. This grant offers up to $4,000 for projects and programs addressing kids between 5 and 18 in the areas of violence and abuse prevention. The average grant is about $2,500. Grants submitted in Spanish are accepted. The deadline for this grant is July 1, 2011.

Best Buy Helps Give Best to Kids

The Best Buy Children’s Foundation is offering the @15 Community Grants Program. This grant enables teens to thrive by helping them excel in school, engage in communities and develop life and leadership skills. The Foundation offers a number of grants ranging anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 to nonprofits that serve kids between the ages of 13-18. The deadline to apply for this grant is August 1, 2011.