The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls’ Story

Report: Girls Face ‘Sex-Abuse-To-Prison Pipeline’

The numbers are huge: An Oregon study found that 93 percent of girls in the state’s juvenile justice system had been sexually or physically abused at some time. South Carolina research found that 81 percent of girls in its system had experienced sexual abuse.

Arkansas Supreme Court

Arkansas Supreme Court Rules Miller v. Alabama Is Retroactive

More than 50 people sentenced to life in prison in Arkansas when they were younger than 18 could get those sentences reconsidered, thanks to a new court decision.

The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled Friday that a U.S. Supreme Court decision three years ago applies retroactively in the state, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported.

Report Helps Police Protect Kids While Arresting Their Parents

Each year in the United States, several million children witness the arrest of a parent.

These arrests are most likely to be for domestic violence, drug-related incidents and property crimes, according to a report from the Office of Justice Programs Diagnostic Center, an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice.

The experience can be excruciating for children.

Youngsters Push for Solutions in Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools

Schools should have mood detectors instead of metal detectors, George Carter once observed. The New Orleans student, who turned 15 this year, was a founding member of Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools.

Organized in 2006 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the organization seeks to help young people develop a voice in society and in their schools. In 2006, a debate about school reform was swirling in the city.