Florida Legislature Must Stop Letting Prosecutors Charge Children As Adults
I sit at my desk wondering why they don’t get it. Why do our legislators continue to do nothing to help hurting children and hurting families?
Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (https://jjie.org/category/ideas-and-opinions/page/22/)
I sit at my desk wondering why they don’t get it. Why do our legislators continue to do nothing to help hurting children and hurting families?
Gun violence occurs in the U.S. more often than in any other nation not at war. It is clear that this is a crisis we own. The propensity to shoot one another in our homes, schools, workplaces or on the streets is not part of our DNA and not biologically inevitable.
California is in the midst of an unprecedented shrinking of its juvenile justice system. Over the past several decades, youth arrests have fallen precipitously, driving down court and probation caseloads and emptying juvenile facilities.
Statistics recently released by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice illustrate a grim reality for the outcomes of most individuals who have ever gone through the juvenile court system as teens or even younger.
"10-4," which means, "message received, affirmative," is an example of a coded language that may be familiar to civilians not trained as a law enforcement officer.
Make a release plan now: A mentor of mine once told me he’d started preparing for the day he was released the same day he came to prison. Start to plan for your release now. Whether you get an acquittal or conviction, use every opportunity available while awaiting trial to improve yourself.
Modern courtrooms function more like emergency rooms than traditional courtrooms. The sound of the gavel replaces the siren. Clerks, judges...
Foster home to foster home to foster home, etc. Twenty-six homes in total. One “family” to the next, passed on like the bubble in my mother’s tweaker circle.
Over the past several decades, researchers have studied and debated the complex pathway between school truancy, delinquency and involvement with the adult criminal justice system.
People find it difficult to admit fault. We would rather receive an apology than apologize for our own wrongdoings. It is a position of power: having the ability to forgive someone or not, rather than being at the mercy of another, in a vulnerable position.