Young people hold up signs saying students demand action.

We Students Will Keep Advocating for Background Checks for Gun Sales

In this past year as a student activist for gun safety, I’ve learned that America’s gun problem is a multifaceted issue. Gun violence includes incidents like mass shootings, gang and domestic violence, and suicides.

Diver floats through a hole in net.

Education Permits Growth During Long Prison Sentence and Makes Us Free

Students in the English Literature and Composition Foundations course, offered by the Second Chance Educational Alliance, Inc. in Connecticut, were given the opportunity to draft an opinion piece about the merits of providing higher education opportunities to incarcerated people with lengthy sentences.

From Restorative Justice Skeptic to Advocate in 2 Weeks

Walking back into my middle school classroom after being out the previous day at a training, I first noticed that the colorful plastic chairs were not stacked neatly on desks as they usually are. I could also see some papers scattered on the floor; usually my students are great about following the clean-up routine.

Person jumping from tall boulder to another over precipice.

Advice to my Brothers and Sisters Coming Home From the Inside

I was 16 when I went in and 23 when I came home. After seven years, I was willing to take on any obstacle that would come with being able to finally be home be with my family. Plus, anything beats waking up to the smell of cold cement walls!