Inside Info on How to Hire a Data Analyst for a Nonprofit

A comprehensive job description is a great first step when hiring a data analyst, but what often gets overlooked is the type of person best suited for this role. A data analyst, especially in the landscape of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI), might wear several hats that extend their skills outside the technical demands of the job.

independent monitor: Middle-aged businessman writing on clipboard

California, Like Other States, Needs Independent Monitor to Solidify Reform, Ward Off Abuses

Last fall, the Miami Herald exposed alarming abuses within Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice, including guard-sanctioned beatings, excessive use of force and rampant violence. Likewise, in late 2017, reporters at the Dallas Morning News uncovered sexual abuse by staff in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. These discoveries were troublingly reminiscent of California’s Division of Juvenile Justice, which has been mired in scandal for much of its decadeslong history, including a spate of violent incidents, youth suicides and staff misconduct in the early 2000s that resulted in a 12-year consent decree.

community-based alternatives: Angry rebellious teenager being analyzed by a counselor as other teens sit nearby, psychotherapy concept

Georgia Reforms Gave Us More Choices, Better Results

As Bill Gates famously said in his book, “The Road Ahead” (1996), “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.”

drugs: Conviction focused determined passionate confident powerful eyes stare intense male

After Falling in Love With Drugs, My Focus Is on My Daughters

Ten years ago I met my wife. We were high school sweethearts. We fell in love fast. Our love was like electricity. We were together every day. Things between us were great. She was the best friend I had always wanted. We stayed together all through high school, graduated together and moved into a home together.

racial and ethnic disparities: Shocked young man in front of police height chart

Public Safety Harmed in Reality By Excessively Targeting Youth of Color

The W. Haywood Burns Institute (BI) strongly rejects the disturbing and dangerous new policy direction of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) that insinuates that public safety is threatened by efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities (RED).

immigrants: Woman in crowd of protesters holds sign that says No human being is illegal.

Jailing Immigrant Families Is Just Incarceration By Another Name

“See, too, that girl of thirteen, weeping, yes! weeping, as she thinks of the mother from whom she has been torn!” —Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” 1852

People do not belong in cages. Youth do not belong in cages. Children do not belong in cages. Babies do not belong in cages.