Restorative Justice Even Works With the Big Bad Wolf, Training Shows
The first lightbulb moment for me was when I got to attend a restorative justice training for high school students in Seattle.
Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (https://jjie.org/category/ideas-and-opinions/page/37/)
The first lightbulb moment for me was when I got to attend a restorative justice training for high school students in Seattle.
Emily Dickenson wasn’t too far off when she described hope as a thing with feathers. However, I would describe hope as something smoldering and blazing...
While considerable progress has been made among law enforcement to treat young victims differently, too many police and prosecutors still fail...
Disproportionate minority contact means that racial/ethnic minority youth (particularly African American, Latinx/Hispanic American and American Indian/Native...
From the federal level to state legislatures across the country, criminal justice reform measures are a hot topic of conversation and proposed legislation. What is often lost in those conversations are the views and voices of victims.
Those of us who have spent months and years working to make responses to youthful law violations effective, equitable and more just have much to be proud of. The volume of philanthropic investments working in sites directly, supporting research, advancing science, incentivizing advocacy and in some cases organizing have made a significant difference in youth justice practices.
All children make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes get them in trouble with the law. It happens in all kinds of families and in all kind of neighborhoods.
As previously covered, clear and timely communication, flexibility, plus a collaborative mindset are the essential elements of a vibrant juvenile justice or social services internship. However, without enthusiastic initiative taken by students, instructors and supervisors alike, gaps may develop which could undermine the best of plans or intentions.
In most U.S. states, children of any age can be processed through the juvenile justice system. This year, proposed legislation in California...
Humans of Restorative Justice (HORJ) stories highlight the incredible individuals working to build and restore strong relationships in their communities. They are written and edited by David Levine based on interviews with real-world practitioners. This one is with Keyonn of New York, New York.