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The Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (JJIE) is an unbiased, non-partisan journalism organization dedicated to covering juvenile justice and related issues in the Southeast and around the nation on a consistent, daily basis.

The Juvenile Justice Information Exchange community is comprised of people just like yourself who are interested in doing what is best for at-risk youth in our backyard and around the nation. Industry professionals, lawmakers, advocates and the general public of parents and young people contribute and visit the site regularly.

To learn more about the history, mission and strategy of the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, visit the About section.

To learn more about the reach of the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, to access our online Media Kit or if interested in advertising or partnering with the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, visit Sponsorship Opportunities.

Support comes in many forms. To ensure ongoing coverage and a sustainable, sound future for the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange as 501(c)3 non-profit, the initiative needs financial support from caring individuals like yourself.

Consider making a donation in any amount you are comfortable with. The size of your contribution isn’t import, but your support is invaluable. Donations are tax deductable.

With your help, the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange can continue to provide high-quality, ethically-sound journalism that:

- Keeps the public informed about juvenile justice, youth culture and issues facing young people and their parents in the Southeast and around the nation.

- Creates a community of contributors and dedicated supporters to share knowledge and experience around topics of juvenile justice.

- Highlights cutting edge research, studies and statistics in an easy-to-understand and practical format.

If you are not in the position to contribute financially, consider doing your part and spreading the word about the issues you care about most. Tell friends, family and colleagues about the relentless work being done on a daily basis for the youth of our nation here at the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange and other great organizations.

Become a community member. Sign up for our weekly news letter, connect on social media platforms or send an e-mail to our staff.