October 2019: Episode Three
In the final episode, we discuss policies that are in place or are recommended by juvenile justice and immigration experts to help protect immigrant youth from the justice system.

October 2019: Episode Two
Episode two is here and we focus on a discussion expanding on how immigrant youth and the juvenile justice system can become entangled, we discuss how information sharing can target immigrant youth and lead to their involvement in the justice system.

October 2019: Episode One
Introducing the Juvenile Information Exchange Resource Hub Podcast, The Hubcast; these informative, yet brief episodes will cover underrepresented issues within the juvenile justice system. For the first season of the Hubcast, we are focusing on immigrant youth in the juvenile justice system. Over three episodes, we will discuss demographics, relief options, consequences that stem from system involvement, policy recommendations from experts in the field, and more. We are excited to introduce to you Episode One of the JJIE Resource Hub podcast.

October 2017 Snapshot
The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act: What Is It And Why Does It Matter?

September 2017 Snapshot
Implicit Bias: Why It Matters For Youth Justice | A National Juvenile Justice Network Snapshot

March 2017 Snapshot
Community Supervision: Why It Matters For Public Health

December 2016 Snapshot
Civil Citations: When youth get in trouble with the law, it’s important to take a level-headed approach that helps them become contributing members of society while ensuring community safety.

November 2016 Snapshot
Reducing the Collateral Consequences of a Delinquency Adjudication

September 2016 Snapshot
Dual-Status Youth and Federal Initiatives: As Americans, we believe in taking practical, responsible approaches to rehabilitate youth in trouble with the law while keeping our communities safe.

August 2016 Snapshot
Probation: The supervision of youth in the juvenile justice system can take a variety of forms, and is covered by a variety of terms.

April 2016 Snapshot
Addressing the Intersection of Gender and Racial Disparities

March 2016 Snapshot
Improving Educational Opportunities for Youth in the Juvenile System

May 2015 Snapshot
Using Re-entry Thinking to Guide Placement Decisions