probation: Man in pink T-shirt, jeans bumps fist with member of National Guard at protest.

Probation Leaders Need to Take These 5 Steps Now to Fight Racial Injustice

America is reckoning with racial injustice. The days of protests in response to George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police — and the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many others over the last several years — represent a turning point with implications for our entire nation, and especially for all of us involved in the justice system.

Black Lives Matter Organizers In Rural Cortland County Are Tired Of Gestures

CORTLAND, N.Y. — Few people downtown would look Steve Williams in the eye. Not the police officers stationed at each end of Courthouse Park. Not the two white families at his front and back, who called past him to greet each other. 

Williams had come there not in support of the protest but as a critic, centered around one central question: How long would it take a stranger holding a Black Lives Matter sign to acknowledge Williams, a Black man? “It’s lacking that passion. Y’all know that passion when you really mean something?

are with a bruise, tattoo of a palm tree, black shirt, kerchief, earring, short hair

Activists Challenge NYPD Chief Over Cop Cars Hitting Protestors

Activists in New York are challenging NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea’s account of a May 30 incident where police in Brooklyn rammed two patrol cruisers into a crowd of protestors and metal barricades, sending demonstrators flying.