Detention education reform report

Children in the juvenile justice system are more likely to have learning disabilities and behavior disorders, according to researchers at Georgetown University’s Center for Juvenile Justice Reform.  They reviewed state programs to educate these children and found that agencies often don’t work together. As a result, there is “duplication, fragmentation and the diffusion of responsibility” that prevents kids in the system from getting the education they need to be successful when they get out.   Some conclusions of their study:

Early education is essential. Quality education services are critical for successful
development of all youth. If outcomes matter, they must be measured. Support services are needed to help some youth

Preventing Sex Abuse in Detention

The Justice Department is proposing new standards for preventing and detecting sexual abuse in prisons and youth detention centers.   One proposal would require that medical staffers question children about abusive sexual behavior and consensual sex inside detention.  Advocacy groups, including Children’s Defense Fund and Equity Project are warning that doctors and nurses should not be forced to investigate or question children about sex offenses because it could interfere with doctor-patient relationships.   Youth Today reports on a letter from seven national advocacy groups to Attorney General Eric Holder.