Grant Aims to Keep Kids Out of Trouble Through the Arts

Target is offering a grant to bring the arts into the schools.  Music, art, dance, drama and visual arts are all part of the well-rounded education for kids.  This helps expand creativity and horizons and could even help keep kids out of trouble. The grants are worth $2,000 and are accepted between March 1 and April 30, 2011.  

Teen Dating Violence Research Grants

A grant from the Department of Health and Human Services entitled Research on Teen Dating Violence seeks to understand the precursors for and reducing the risk of teen dating violence. The hope is to examine perceptions of appropriate responses between service providers, the criminal justice system, teens, victims, perpetrators and bystanders. Abusive behavior is any act carried out where one partner aims to hurt or control the other. The research encompasses at least one of three types of behaviors; physical aggression, sexual aggression and psychological aggression. This grant is also supported by The National Institutes of Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse, Office for Research on Women’s Health, and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development.

Grant to Help Kids Read

Target is offering a grant to help nurture the love of reading and build strong families. This grant supports, schools, libraries and nonprofit organizations. These grants are worth $2,000 and are accepted between March 1 and April 30.  

AT&T Offers Grant to Stop the Drop-outs


AT&T is offering a grant to help stop high school kids from dropping out of school. Statistics indicate that one out of three public high school kids don’t graduate. The company's grant is focused on helping reduce this statistic and help inspire kids to want to graduate. The grant has a rolling deadline.

Grants to Improve State Courts

Grants that improve the administration of state courts are offered in the State Justice Institute (SJI) Grants. SJI was established in 1984 to improve the quality of justice in state courts and to help improve the coordination between state and federal courts. The goal of this grant is to come up with innovative and efficient solutions to common issues that all courts face. SJI offers grants for projects, technical assistance, and curriculum adaption, partner, strategic innitiatives and training grants. The Deadline for all of these grants is May 1, 2011.

Grant Aims to Protect Kids Against Cyber Crime

The Child Protection Research Program is a grant sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Programs. The goal is to understand and improve the response to crimes against children by using technological means. This grant focuses on the ability to predict abusive behavior towards kids. It seeks to research and identify people being investigated for online child exploitation and the risk they pose to kids. Undercover operations identify hundreds of thousands of different internet provider addresses involved in child pornography every year. This grant continues to create the proper tools to identify the suspects and and rescue victims.


Helping At Risk Kids Strive for A Diploma

The Department of Education is offering the Predominantly Black Institutions Competitive Grant Program. This grant will carry out programs in science, math, technology, engineering, health education, globalization and teacher preparation with the aim of  improving the educational outcome of African-American males. The priorities for this grant are to help high school kids who are at risk to complete college or strive for higher education. This grant will also help to collect, analyze and use high-quality and timely data to follow up on kids who go through the program.

Grant Analyzes Gangs For Prevention

The Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Office of Justice Programs (OJP)are offering the Gang Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Program Grant. This grant hopes to gain more insight into gangs. It hopes to answer how kids get into them, what their involvement is once inside them and how to keep kids away from gang-related crime. It also will try to measure how effective prevention is when it comes to at-risk kids joining the gangs and the effectiveness of the current intervention programs. Another objective of this grant is to understand the nature and scope of the youth gangs currently in the juvenile justice system.

Grant Helps States Looking to Prevent Underage Drinking

Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Assessment, Strategic Planning, and Implementation Initiative Grant is being offered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)  This grant hopes to reduce alcohol availability to under aged kids. The Grant Aims to accomplish this through assessment, strategic planning and program implementation. Grantees will conduct an independent assessment of both state and local underage drinking and develop a long-term plan based on that assessment. This should also help reduce traffic injuries or fatalities due to underage drinking.

Internet Crimes Against Children Deconfliction System Program Grant

Internet Crimes Against Children Deconfliction System Program Grant offers assistance to organizations looking for financial help to thwart  internet crimes against kids. The Internet Crimes Against Children Deconfliction Systems (ICAC) may be able to get help from OJJJDP through its grant program. This grant will award as much as $500,000 to help construct, maintain and house an Internet Crimes Against Children Data System (IDS). The grant's purpose is to assist law enforcement investigations with child exploitations, avoid conflict on data, and enhance the ability to share information among local, state and federal ICAC task forces. This grant is available to help enhance the ability of OJJDP to collect and aggregate information on child exploitation.