Tennessee arms teachers: Several adults stand and sit in balcony gallery area, many holding signs with language protesting arming teachers in schools

A school shooting in Tennessee sparked activism — and now frustration

Ibtihal “Ibti” Cheko, 17, thought she would spend the legislative session in Tennessee advocating for laws about how guns should be stored and implementing background checks for those who want to buy them. Instead, Cheko and other organizers with Students Demand Action pivoted to trying to make sure Senate Bill 1325, which would permit faculty and staff to carry handguns at school, did not pass. They weren’t successful. The bill passed in both chambers in April.

Michigan Gun Law: Group of dozens of adults with protest signs sit on wide cement steps to building entrance

Gun bills coming in Michigan after 2nd school mass shooting

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Armed with two handguns and dozens of rounds of ammunition, 43-year-old Anthony McRae open fired on the Michigan State University campus on the night of Feb. 13, killing three students and wounding five more. Democrats are expected to bring a sweeping 11-bill gun safety package before the Michigan Legislature this week. The package aims to establish safe storage laws, universal background checks and extreme risk protection orders.