murderversary: Cake with photo of man wearing backwards ball cap and holding bottle, and the words Neva Forgotten Jamal Singleton 09-19-11

Mothers of Those Slain in NY Gun Violence Remember, Work to Help Others

The sun had just set as Monica Cassaberry let a white balloon fly into the air. She craned her neck and stared into the Brooklyn sky, her face wracked with a mix of emotions, and thought about the last time she saw her youngest child, Jamal.

Gun violence: Gun lying on desk with 3 blue-covered books, paper with word School on it and pencil holder with pens, pencils, ruler; geometry drawing on blackboard is in background.

Applying Escalation Model to School Shootings Can Keep Everyone Safer

The tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, 2018 reawakened our national terror of school shootings and renewed a contentious national debate about the need for school safety, gun control and mental health. We are suddenly even more desperate to keep our students safe, mortified by the image of an enraged gunman roaming the halls of our children’s schools.

Gun control: Colorful mural shows positive slogans, young man holding up tiny people on his hands, young woman blowing the seeds off a puffball.

Brooklyn Students Use ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ to Explore Solutions to Gun Violence

It’s early evening on a warm Tuesday in March, and a handful of teenagers are commanding rapt attention in a corner of a Chelsea art gallery. They’ve just performed a short theater piece of their own devising, an exploration of gun violence and the twisting, ricocheting trajectory that one bullet can follow through a community.

NY Teens Refuse to Accept Gun Violence

New York has some of the strongest gun laws in the country but that hasn’t stopped gun violence from affecting the lives of many. According to the Crime, Arrest and Firearm Activity report issued by New York’s Division of Criminal Justice Services, there were 127 gun deaths in 2015.