‘Ban the Box’ Campaign Moves Ahead, Pushed by Formerly Incarcerated People

At age 18, Marilynn Winn went to prison in Georgia for theft. When she was released a year later, her first action was to look for a job. She soon learned she could only get hired if she lied on job applications. Today, a nationwide movement called “Ban the Box” seeks to address this problem. It’s an effort to get government and private employers to revamp job applications to remove the question "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?"

Sparing Children from Life in Prison without Parole

Jason Baldwin hopes to spare others from growing up, growing old – and dying – in prison. Baldwin, who was sentenced to life without parole at 16 for a crime he did not commit, served 18 years and since his release in 2011 has become a crusader against sentencing youths to life without parole. Baldwin brought his message to the nation’s capital Wednesday night at an annual reception and fundraiser of the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth, a national organization that seeks to abolish life-without-parole sentences for all youth.