Homeless and Queer: A Vampire in Brooklyn

Faith Alastair’s experience with homelessness is the first of three stories on LGBTQ homeless youth as reported by the JJIE’s New York City Bureau. They use gender-neutral pronouns.

New York Theater Stages ‘Antigone in Ferguson’

The Greek play “Antigone” tells the story of a defiant woman sentenced to death by a king who refuses to practice mercy. After a bitter civil war that pitched brother against brother, newly crowned Creon honors one with burial and leaves the other to rot.

New York: Man with beard, mustache in blue shirt talks to woman.

With Plunging Crime Rate, New York Experts Dreaming Big

When the moderator informally polled the audience at a criminal justice discussion held at the New York Law School on whether probation and parole should be abolished, almost half the audience — mostly criminal justice practitioners and stakeholders — raised their hands.

Bronx: Older man with gray beard, mustache in dark jacket, ballcap, has arm around young man in blue T-shirt.

Bronx Program Wins $1 Million to Replicate Detention Alternative in Another City

A Bronx nonprofit will receive a $1 million grant from The Rockefeller Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to research, document and expand its youth violence prevention and alternative-to-incarceration programming to another U.S. city. Supporters of the model hope it will set a new standard for the rest of the nation.

raise the age: Young people sit in small courtroom.

New York Raise The Age Is Making Strides Where It Counts

Four days after New York’s new Raise the Age law began to be implemented in October, I was fortunate to be invited to observe the Youthpart in Brooklyn. The Youthpart is a hybrid court that was created to address 16- and 17-year-olds charged with felonies.