Child holds black lives matter sign

In Demanding Justice For Black People, Are We Sacrificing the Peace of Black Youth?

We met at Freedom Plaza. This was my first protest since the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. People of all ages, abilities, genders, races and ethnicities were there to stand up for justice. 

With an impassioned call to action from one of the organizers, the crowd headed toward Capitol Hill chanting, “No Justice, No Peace.” I fell in line toward the back, taking in the moment and the movement. 

As we walked, I noticed a dad and his son, no more than 3 or 4, walking with us. They were white. As the protest went on, the dad explained each chant to his son, encouraging him with the rhythm of the crowd.

probation: Man in pink T-shirt, jeans bumps fist with member of National Guard at protest.

Probation Leaders Need to Take These 5 Steps Now to Fight Racial Injustice

America is reckoning with racial injustice. The days of protests in response to George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police — and the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many others over the last several years — represent a turning point with implications for our entire nation, and especially for all of us involved in the justice system.

whiteness: Close-up of hands of different races doing fist bump.

How White Service Providers Can ‘Do the Work’ With People of Color

I am neither a man nor a person of color, but this past year I’ve worked in a program for men of color. I was a case manager with Make It Happen, a Brooklyn-based therapeutic services program for young men of color who have been impacted by violence.

New York Theater Stages ‘Antigone in Ferguson’

The Greek play “Antigone” tells the story of a defiant woman sentenced to death by a king who refuses to practice mercy. After a bitter civil war that pitched brother against brother, newly crowned Creon honors one with burial and leaves the other to rot.

Netflix: 5 young men with arms around each other in front of curtain.

Netflix Show an Inside Look at Power of Prosecutors, Media in Youth Justice Cases

Netflix’s highly anticipated limited series, Ava DuVernay's "When They See Us" is now out. It chronicles the story of the infamous Central Park Five case: how five teenage boys of color from Harlem were wrongly convicted of the rape of a white woman in 1989 and their 25-year fight for justice.

rubber stamp marked with illegal held by hand

Trump’s Racism Coils Around Black Children, South American Immigrants

The weapon of incarceration that terrorizes black families has been turned against people from South and Central America who are fleeing unspeakable violence. Racism — the lifeblood of the Trump presidency — fuels and sustains both systems.

Implicit Bias: More Than Just a Few Bad Apples

Youth of color experience the worst outcomes in every youth-serving system, including law enforcement, child welfare and education, the data show conclusively.