Tennessee arms teachers: Several adults stand and sit in balcony gallery area, many holding signs with language protesting arming teachers in schools

A school shooting in Tennessee sparked activism — and now frustration

Ibtihal “Ibti” Cheko, 17, thought she would spend the legislative session in Tennessee advocating for laws about how guns should be stored and implementing background checks for those who want to buy them. Instead, Cheko and other organizers with Students Demand Action pivoted to trying to make sure Senate Bill 1325, which would permit faculty and staff to carry handguns at school, did not pass. They weren’t successful. The bill passed in both chambers in April.

Covenant School shooting: Young blinde girl sits inside yellow school bus with face abd hand pressed against window crying

Doctor decries gun violence after school shooting near miss

A pediatric surgeon who left The Covenant School in Nashville moments before a shooter opened fire, killing six people, says she is horrified by the gun violence that has plagued the U.S. After she received a text alerting her to the attack, Grayson took to Facebook to post about what she experienced, writing, "WHY ARE OUR CHILDREN BEING MASSACRED IN THEIR SCHOOLS?!"