Gun violence survivors in separate cities: man in black hoodie and glasses in front of fence with gun violence signs on it

In separate cities, hard hit by gun violence, gunshot survivors fight against firearms

The backstories of Sakran and Pep couldn’t be more different. But their survivor stories drive their activism about the public health threat that gun violence poses and prove what some of the most alarming news headlines increasingly suggest: Almost anybody, almost anywhere, is a potential victim of gun violence.

parole: 2 men, 2 women sit at table on low platform facing audience, giant sign that says sheriff at left

3 on Florida Commission Decide Parole of Thousands of Inmates

Inside a carpeted room at the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, an audience of about 75 settled into rows of banquet chairs. In the center of the room was a table, topped with microphones and a box of tissues that would be plucked from liberally over the next few hours.