Child Poverty Rampant in Many of the Biggest U.S. Cities
Child poverty increased in 35 of the biggest U.S. cities in the past eight years, and millions of children now live in families barely scraping by, a new analysis shows.
Hollywood Kids See Action with Cops
The Hollywood PAL program, one of the largest Police Activities/Athletics League programs in the Los Angeles area, gives students a positive alternative to gangs and drugs.
OP-ED: Juvenile Courts Are Losing Opportunities to Create Better Futures
This outcome isn’t inevitable. The research and training opportunities for all juvenile court practitioners have helped spread the word of better practices, which not only avoid the devastation caused by unnecessary incarceration but also offer more effective approaches that improve the well-being of youth, crime victims and communities.
OP-ED: Attorney General’s Legacy Needs Shoring Up
Eric Holder is perhaps best recognized in the youth justice category for his reinvigoration of the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) Civil Rights Division, but several key initiatives still need attention.
OP-ED: To Reduce Youth Crime, Focus on Poverty
The stampede to embrace premature, exaggerated “teenage brain” speculations downplay crucial environmental contexts.