"Before, I perceived solitary confinement as just another cruel sanction of the government. After just 24 hours, I testify that solitary confinement is hell on earth. Solitary confinement is legalized torture," says Anyssa Williams, a Georgia State University student who spent 24 hours in an 8 by 8 cell replica for a school assignment.
[Related: Legalized Torture: A Solitary Confinement Experience]
I work with youth and would like to know if u provide any videos or dvd on juvenile life experiences. I agree with an bill against any torture towards juvenile. Confinement is a mental torture.
Hello Josephine, thank you for the comment and reading JJIE. As of right now, we have not published any videos about personal experiences in the juvenile justice system; however, we are working to create a series a videos about that very topic. Thank you.
I’ve been in the juvenile system from 15-19. Im 24 years old now, maybe i could offer some insight? If interested shoot me an email at krmitchell03@yahoo.com