New York’s March for Justice

Clarissa Sosin

Participants in the March for Justice walk across the Skywalk Over the Hudson.

They were white and black, young and old, gay, trans and straight, putting themselves on the line for what the organizer called the civil rights movement for the 21st century.

Soffiyah Elijah came up with the 180-mile walk from Harlem to Albany, New York, an attempt to draw attention to the abuses in state prisons and, they hoped, bring about some reforms. She is the executive director of the Alliance of Families for Justice.

The story of the march is told in Bokeh.

Check out previous New York March coverage

One thought on “New York’s March for Justice

  1. Thank you JJIE for covering this March for Justice. This is an important issue for several reasons. First, the abuses in our correction system have gone in far too long without serious and effective reform. Thanks to your coverage this is an issue that more people have become more aware of and people now have more guidance on how to get involved to make a difference. Secondly, the work of activist has begun to gain much needed attention and this re-energizes people and keeps them motivated at a high level. This is critical because the work of activist often is very tiring, lonely and unrewarding. Finally, you highlight the diversity of the activist group that led this effort. This is probably the most important aspect of your reporting. At time in our country were divisions have been heightened, events that show our unity and the strength of diversity are needed more than ever. Nice work! Peace, but keep fighting injustices wherever they are.