Margaritaville Singer offers Grant for Change

Jimmy Buffett’s charity “Singing For a Change” is offering grants to help kids and their families. These grants are awarded to programs that focus on health, education and the protection of kids. It also aims to help foster self-esteem and self-sufficiency. The goal is to teach kids to find creative ways to work out their problems other than through the use of violence. The grant program focuses on improving the quality of life to help make positive changes in communities.

Grant Aims to Protect Kids Against Cyber Crime

The Child Protection Research Program is a grant sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Programs. The goal is to understand and improve the response to crimes against children by using technological means. This grant focuses on the ability to predict abusive behavior towards kids. It seeks to research and identify people being investigated for online child exploitation and the risk they pose to kids. Undercover operations identify hundreds of thousands of different internet provider addresses involved in child pornography every year. This grant continues to create the proper tools to identify the suspects and and rescue victims.


Helping At Risk Kids Strive for A Diploma

The Department of Education is offering the Predominantly Black Institutions Competitive Grant Program. This grant will carry out programs in science, math, technology, engineering, health education, globalization and teacher preparation with the aim of  improving the educational outcome of African-American males. The priorities for this grant are to help high school kids who are at risk to complete college or strive for higher education. This grant will also help to collect, analyze and use high-quality and timely data to follow up on kids who go through the program.

Grant Analyzes Gangs For Prevention

The Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Office of Justice Programs (OJP)are offering the Gang Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Program Grant. This grant hopes to gain more insight into gangs. It hopes to answer how kids get into them, what their involvement is once inside them and how to keep kids away from gang-related crime. It also will try to measure how effective prevention is when it comes to at-risk kids joining the gangs and the effectiveness of the current intervention programs. Another objective of this grant is to understand the nature and scope of the youth gangs currently in the juvenile justice system.

Drug Use, Addiction and Science

The Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are sponsoring the Science Education Drug Abuse Partnership Award. This grant seeks to find new programs and materials to understand how drug abuse and addiction really impact kids; what it does to the neurons of their brains and how kids behave on a daily basis.  This grant will focus on drugs or drug topics that are not well addressed in existing efforts by the educational community or media.

Grant Helps High School Drop Outs

The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation offers the Pathways Out of Poverty Grant. This grant will help prevent low-income students and at-risk kids from dropping out of school. The grant aims to bring attention to the needs of kids and issues surrounding the factors that cause them to quit or to consider quiting  school. The grant should find ways to help kids and nurture them so that they can move forward through their education to become successful members of the community.

Grant Helps States Looking to Prevent Underage Drinking

Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Assessment, Strategic Planning, and Implementation Initiative Grant is being offered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)  This grant hopes to reduce alcohol availability to under aged kids. The Grant Aims to accomplish this through assessment, strategic planning and program implementation. Grantees will conduct an independent assessment of both state and local underage drinking and develop a long-term plan based on that assessment. This should also help reduce traffic injuries or fatalities due to underage drinking.

Grant Helps States Respond to Juvenile Delinquency

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)  is offering the State Juvenile Justice Formula and Block Grants Training and Technical Assistance Program. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) and the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act allow OJJDP to offer this grant. The programs goals are to provide training and technical assistance to state and local juvenile justice systems and some non profits to respond to juvenile delinquency. It will do this by helping the grantees to plan, establish, operate, coordinate and evaluate delinquency prevention. It also will help fund projects to improve juvenile justice.

A Grant to Mentor Kids Released from Jail

Organizations that want to help the 94,000 kids in residential confinement within the juvenile justice system may be able to get the Second Chance Act Adult Mentoring Grant. The Second Chance Act of 2007 provides a response to kids being released from prison, jail and juvenile residential facilities to help them transition back into their communities. The goal for this act is to make sure the transition will be successful and helps to promote public safety.

Sex Offender Registration Act Grant

Jurisdictions that are either developing or trying to enhance programs designed to implement the Sex Offender Registration Act may want to consider applying for a grant sponsored by The Office of Sex Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending and Trafficking (SMART) Support for Adam Walsh Implementation Grant Program. The Sex Offender Registration Act was put in place so it could provide a legal means to protect children from sexual exploitation and violent crime, prevent child abuse and child pornography and promote internet safety. It also helps build a comprehensive national system for the registration and notification of sex offenders.