communities of color: 3 young african-american women around table discussing something important.

Opinion: Communities of Color Must Be Centered in Gun Violence Prevention Movement

Communities of color continue to be disproportionately impacted by gun violence across the United States. Unfortunately, communities that are most impacted by gun violence are often plagued by structural inequities that perpetuate this violence. That is why when we look to address gun violence, we must have a holistic conversation to ensure that those most impacted are being centered in this conversation and moved from the margins.

threat assessment: Thoughtful black student holding snack outdoors

Opinion: The Risks of Threat Assessment to Students Are Dire

In the wake of highly publicized and tragic mass shootings at schools, jurisdictions across the country have responded with a flood of expanded school security policies. While much of this policymaking has echoed previous measures, like school hardening, surveillance and policing, some policymakers have focused on preventing targeted violence (where an attacker selects a particular target in advance) by identifying potentially violent actors and intervening to stop them before a violent act occurs. They label this threat assessment. 

recidivism: Senior team coach looking away with people in the background

Recidivism Is Not Enough to Track How Juveniles Are Doing, Multistate Project Shows

In December, President Donald Trump signed the bipartisan Juvenile Justice Reform Act (JJRA) of 2018, which reauthorized the landmark Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act for the first time since 2002. Passage of the JJRA, which followed more than a decade of debate, will strengthen protections for youth in the justice system.

Nothing Will Stop Us From Reporting on the Issues

Since its inception 10 years ago, the mission of the Center for Sustainable Journalism and its New York bureau has always been to go to the frontlines where the issues of justice, inequity and abuses of power of young people are impacting people’s lives the most.

Chicago: silhouette of two friends sitting on the roof at sunset

Opinion: Effects of Gun Violence Can Be Reduced in Youth, Chicago Program Shows

Concentrated gun violence results in lost population and economic power, increases trauma throughout communities and depresses school outcomes among students exposed to violence. Interventions deliberately designed to empower youth who are frequently exposed to community trauma are an important tool to break the cycle of violence that repeats far too frequently. 

death: Troubled African American Man looks to sky

My Brother’s Love Made Me Feel Blessed, No Matter What

It was an early morning, uncommonly quiet, and with no movement because of a fog alert, yet people were going to different places, to work, to the yard or day room to play cards and chess. My cellie went on a visit.

VOCA: Shape of Gun over detail of U.S. Dollar Bill, money

Opinion: Gun Violence Work Could Use Billions of Dollars in Victim Assistance Funds

Gun violence in the United States has rapidly become a problem that has touched the lives of millions of people. Whether directly or indirectly, research shows that over 1.2 million people have been shot in the past decade, millions have witnessed gun violence firsthand and hundreds of millions of people will know at least one victim of gun violence in their lifetime.

doctors: surgeon team of 5

Opinion: Doctors Banding Together to Fight Gun Violence

The lights are somehow brighter at 2 a.m., fluorescent and imposing, shining directly onto the hard white table in the center of the room. The paramedics wheel in a gurney with a lifeless body, blood-stained clothes and the face of a boy. The words that follow are too familiar, ”16-year-old male, no known past medical, GSW to the abdomen and right lower extremity …” The boy is transferred to the trauma table and the battle for another life begins.