OJJDP: Close-up Of Pencil Eraser Erasing Drawn Figures On Paper

OJJDP’s New Direction Is Juvenile Justice Policymaking By Erasure

The Trump administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) have instituted policymaking by erasure. These agencies are rolling back juvenile justice data collection, rescinding manuals on best practices and changing policy language.

TAG: Young exhausted person wearing shackles; illustration.

Electronic Monitoring Hurts Kids and Their Communities

The plague of mass incarceration in the United States has captured national attention, with substantial bipartisan support to resolve this crisis. Even as we recognize the problem, however, it is important to think critically about proposed alternatives. There is a growing consensus among developmental researchers and juvenile justice decision-makers that incarceration is particularly damaging to youth.

Tasers: Closeup view of a loaded stun gun in a hand of a young man wearing high visibility vest

Using Tasers on Youth Inspires a Shocking Lack of Action

In August, an 11-year-old African-American girl was tased by a Cincinnati police officer when he tried to apprehend her for shoplifting. The news was greeted, predictably, with dismay by officials there.

National Girls Initiative: Vector and illustration of a decomposed and vanishing green background made of low polygon.

OJJDP’s Actions in Removing Data, Guidance About Girls Speaks Volumes

The Trump administration removed the “Girls at Risk” page from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention website, the Sunlight Foundation reported on Oct. 4. It included information about the work of the OJJDP-funded National Girls Initiative (NGI), which has been led in cooperation with OJJDP by the organization I direct, National Crittenton.

How SRO Programs Can Actually Divert Youth from Pipeline

Like it or not, cops in schools are here to stay. The question is: How do we do it right? An important principle for doing it right is driven by this key question: How can we help make sure that law enforcement actually works to keep youth in school and out of justice involvement?

mental health: Concerned people comforting each other at a therapy session

I’m an Activist and I Get Care for My Trauma. You Should Too

Since I was released from prison, I’ve dedicated my life to equipping young leaders with training and tools to fight to end youth incarceration and close youth prisons. Because I’ve lived through it, I know that there is no better way to support my community than by helping end youth incarceration and helping convince our leaders to invest in young people’s futures instead of bars and cells. Many of my fellow leaders in this movement have similar lived experiences.

TAG: Collaborative process of multicultural skilled students during brainstorming meeting in office. Diverse team of young people dressed in formal wear cooperating.

Alameda County Probation Department Succeeds in Reducing Both Out-of-Home Placements, Racial Disparities

There is important new evidence that reducing out-of-home placements — while also reducing disparities for racial and ethnic minorities — is an achievable goal for the juvenile justice system. The removal of minors from their home, ostensibly for their rehabilitation, often results in additional difficulties in their schooling, future employment and overall well-being — especially if the placements exceed six months. When a youth is placed out of home, it can also be disruptive and detrimental to the entire family.