3 thoughts on “Diversion Can Help Us Reduce Youth Violence By Aligning Caseloads With Risk Factors

  1. Pingback: Permanency in the News – Week of 11/5/18 – Dr. Greg Manning

  2. Seriously… can we abolish the term “youth violence”? It is prejudicial and stigmatizes an entire population with the implication that the young demographic is connected to violent crime (at a time when violent crime rates among youth have fallen to middle-aged levels). We don’t use terms like “adult violence,” “black violence,” “Jewish violence,” or “senior-citizen violence.” We’ve got a whole new landscape when it comes to crime involving youth, and it’s time our language caught up to it.

  3. Pingback: Diversion Can Help Us Reduce Youth Violence By Aligning Caseloads With Risk Factors - Get IN Chicago