Healing, Not Metal Detectors, Will Dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Good

Schools can be places of healing or they can be places of harm. There is no in-between. I came to learn this through my work as an attorney working at the intersections of youth justice and education equity. I worked in Philadelphia fighting to keep marginalized youth in schools, and to ensure that for the youth who were pushed into juvenile prisons, those prisons were held accountable for providing education.

Retired San Francisco chief juvenile probation officer William Siffermann (headshot)

Reliance on Detention for Juvenile Justice a Lazy, Uninformed Habit That Must Be Broken

In a recent trip to my cardiologist’s office, the hazards of one’s (my) choice of double cheeseburgers as a regular dietary mainstay was called into question as a primary health risk affecting several organs and overall life expectancy. An immediate dietary adjustment was ordered. What? Yes. A comfortable and tasty habit needed to be broken and substituted with a healthier alternative for the good of my entire system.

Fight Burnout and Compassion Fatigue With Lots of Self-care Ideas

For years I have sought out with fierce determination conversations, books and articles such as this. Articles with titles like “5 Steps To Wellness,” “7 Must-Have self-care Tips” or “10 Ways for a Healthier You.”