Why the Party Is On For Emerging Adults, Even in Pandemic

Be it with outrage or eye-rolling, most of us were confounded by the spectacle of college students indulging in spring break rituals — where social distancing is definitely not on the cocktail listing.

Probation Can Be Done Another Way, the Great Pause Taught Us

We remember thinking just a few weeks before COVID-19 that everything was all just too much. There was too much on the schedule, we needed to be in three places at once, and everything and everyone was demanding our undivided attention.

3 smiling men pose wearing maroon Cities United T-shirts

Studies Show That Violence Prevention Saves Cities Money — Lots of Money

In the 18 years Paul Tutwiler has led the Northwest Jacksonville Community Development Corporation in Florida, the organization has tried a variety of strategies to reduce the neighborhood’s high levels of violent crime, all of them in collaboration with the local sheriff’s office. None have worked. 

specialty court: little girl with calm look near brick wall.

Specialty Courts Are Models of Care for Sex Trafficked Youth

The continued criminalization of youth experiencing commercial sexual exploitation in the United States has resulted in an over-representation in the juvenile justice system that requires robust and immediate response mechanisms.

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An Open Letter to the Young and Incarcerated in the Time of COVID-19

Children in juvenile hall have food security and shelter, unlike many of us. COVID-19 has stolen these basics from countless among us, including families of kids in custody. Worry is constant. Routines are disrupted. Our elders are likely isolated from loved ones.

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Protest Turns to Nightmare for Teens at Barclays Center

It was his first time at a protest. Many thoughts crossed the mind of Eithan Roy, a 16-year-old boy from the Bronx, on the train ride to Brooklyn, Friday afternoon. One of them was the memory of his aunt, who went out and protested the killing of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and told him about it.