homeless: Person in jean jacket climbing stairs; tray of filled brown bags on landing

New York Homeless Youth Feel Lonely, Stuck, Isolated

First he lost his job as a shift manager at McDonald’s. Then the movie theater, the bowling alley, all the places he spent time in began to close.

clemency: Vector illustration of a man in jail

New York Case Underscores Coronavirus Urgency Around Clemency

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases inside New York prisons continues to rise, the Legal Aid Society of New York recently announced 20 emergency clemency applications for inmates with medical conditions that put them at high risk for complications from the virus.

planning: Young man as a logistics apprentice in training

How to Plan Now to Keep Juvenile Justice Ahead of the Curve

Over the course of the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve heard a lot about curves. Graphs show terrifying projections of how infection rates will spike and strain our health care system if we don’t take dramatic steps to slow the virus’ spread.

coronavirus: Brick building with police vehicles parked near it.

Riot at NY Juvenile Facility Stemmed From Coronavirus-related Move, Sources Say

Nearly 50 New York Police Department officers were called to help put down a violent, bloody riot that broke out at Crossroads Juvenile Center Sunday night when youth in detention managed to break out of their cells, access a supply room, turn mops into weapons and beat several guards, one so badly they needed stitches.