How SRO Programs Can Actually Divert Youth from Pipeline

Like it or not, cops in schools are here to stay. The question is: How do we do it right? An important principle for doing it right is driven by this key question: How can we help make sure that law enforcement actually works to keep youth in school and out of justice involvement?

New Zealand: A police officer arrests and handcuffs a young male.

New Zealand Shows Power of Limiting Arrests While Lowering Crime

While we have made enormous progress in many states in reducing detention numbers and closing prisons, too many youth are still spending the night behind bars. Surprisingly, New Zealand provides the United States with a helpful model for effective ways to right size our system by limiting arrests.

Probation: Man in dark jacket, ball cap sitting behind desk talks to youth in dark hoodie, blue checked pants who has hoodie up, hiding his face.

Juvenile Probation Needs to Join 21st Century With Developmental Approach

In July 2017, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), adopted a resolution in support of developmentally appropriate juvenile justice probation services. The resolution, which built on earlier NCJFCJ policies, made clear that it “supports and is committed to juvenile probation systems that conform to the latest knowledge of adolescent development and adolescent brain science.”