Caren Harp, the nominee to be administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Adolescent Brain Science: Proceed With Caution

The renewed focus on adolescent development in juvenile justice is welcome and overdue. Adolescence is potentially the best opportunity to intervene effectively with youth to help them develop empathy, impulse control and good decision-making skills.

Teen Inmates Can Still Evolve Enough to Help Others Like Them

When I was 13, I was convicted of first-degree murder for my involvement in the loss of another child’s life. I was sentenced to 25 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections and labeled an incorrigible gang member. Since my release I have dedicated ourselves to uplifting our communities. Much like me, these men at San Quentin can help ensure that other children do not go down the same path they traveled in life.

Cutting Access to Social Media is Not the Answer in U.K. Riots


It was 5:34am when the hideous screech of the alarm finally woke me up. My wife was already in the kitchen on her second cup of coffee, clutching her iPad with determined eyes fixed to the screen. I kissed her on the head before pouring myself a cup as she glanced up at me quickly and without a word. Something wasn't right. "Whatcha reading," I asked casually in an effort to seem unaware of her obvious discomfort.