Opinion: Juvenile Records Should Not Be Used In Adult Sentencing Enhancement. Here’s Why.
How is this possible?" I ask my friend Felix. There’s a noticeable and rare twist of anger in my voice.
"You know what to expect,” he says. “When have they ever ruled on the side of the law when it comes to us?" Felix is responding to the news I just shared with him: My case in the Washington State Court of Appeals was denied.
"Yeah, I know! What was I thinking, having hope?"
I want to scream in the justices’ faces, "HOW CAN YOU BE SO DUMB? DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THE LAW?"
I’m annoyed with myself. I have been involved with the courts since I was 11 years old. The fact that I allowed myself to hope I could receive a fair shot in the courts, well, it pisses me off — I know better. But what hurt the most was listening to my partner cry on the phone while I read the email from my lawyer: