police shootings: Man in denim jacket over dark suit sniffs flower next to casket covered with flowers.

New York Activist Against Police Shootings Laid to Rest

On Sept. 27, 1994, Nicholas Heyward Sr.’s life changed. His 13-year-old son, Nicholas Naquan Heyward Jr., was playing cops-and-robbers with a toy gun in the Gowanus Houses in Brooklyn when he was shot and killed by Brian George, a New York Police Department housing authority officer.

raise the age: person in jeans, blue shirt sitting with hands cuffed behind back

After Raise the Age, Where Will NY’s Adolescent Offenders Go?

On Oct. 1, the first phase of a New York state law known as “Raise the Age” took effect, meaning 16-year-olds can no longer be arrested or tried as adults. A year from now, the law will extend to 17-year-olds as well.

murderversary: Cake with photo of man wearing backwards ball cap and holding bottle, and the words Neva Forgotten Jamal Singleton 09-19-11

Mothers of Those Slain in NY Gun Violence Remember, Work to Help Others

The sun had just set as Monica Cassaberry let a white balloon fly into the air. She craned her neck and stared into the Brooklyn sky, her face wracked with a mix of emotions, and thought about the last time she saw her youngest child, Jamal.

mental health treatment: Faded retro portrait of a worried young African boy staring off to the side with a sad expression and frown in a close-up side view

Mental Health Providers Need to Reach Young Men Before More Lives Are Lost

When thinking about the June 20 murder of Lesandro “Junior” Guzman-Feliz and its impact on his family and the Bronx community, it is important to acknowledge the tragic loss of life and that there are untold consequences associated with this tragedy. A life was cut short.