New Worry for Parents: Teens Sniff Trendy Product for Huffing High
One of the most popular body sprays for teenage boys may be used for more than body odor. In fact, some kids like the smell of AXE Body Spray so much they are inhaling it to get high. “Many parents don’t question a body spray inhalant if kids are huffing because many parents have the scent around them,” said Colleen Creighton from Message boards on the Internet are buzzing with questions from parents and teens about this trend. Some people on Facebook and other websites share instructions on how to use AXE to get high. Users may soak a towel or a shirt sleeve and breathe it in, while others may spray it directly into their mouths. Body sprays like AXE are cheap and sold everywhere. By contrast, Georgia regulates the sale of model glue to anyone under the age of 18.