Video games held to new standard | July 1, 2011
Judge Steven Teske On the Two Faces of Juvenile Justice
Supreme Court Strikes Down Ban on Sale of Violent Video Games to Children
Internet Crimes Against Children Deconfliction System Program Grant
Internet Crimes Against Children Deconfliction System Program Grant offers assistance to organizations looking for financial help to thwart internet crimes against kids. The Internet Crimes Against Children Deconfliction Systems (ICAC) may be able to get help from OJJJDP through its grant program. This grant will award as much as $500,000 to help construct, maintain and house an Internet Crimes Against Children Data System (IDS). The grant's purpose is to assist law enforcement investigations with child exploitations, avoid conflict on data, and enhance the ability to share information among local, state and federal ICAC task forces. This grant is available to help enhance the ability of OJJDP to collect and aggregate information on child exploitation.