Greetings from JJIE's social media desk.
If you're familiar with the site you've probably noticed some new features popping up the past few days. If you're new then you may be looking for the best way to get involved or make the most of your visits.
At the bottom of each article you'll notice some updated 'sharing' features along with a 'report an error' button and a psuedo-pop-up welcoming our Interim Editorial Director John Fleming to the ranks. While the pop-up isn't here to stay, we think the other changes are a step in the right direction.
Within the sharing icon below each article, you'll find links to connect and share information with your extended network and beyond. Whether you're passionate about juvenile justice as a whole or you are just interested in the topic at hand, sharing the information with your family and friends is a great way to raise awareness surrounding the issue. Likewise, sending interesting content to sharing sites such as Reddit, Digg, and StumbleUpon have the potential to impact an even larger cross-section of the population.
Report an error:
Typos drive us nuts, too. The newly christened 'report an error' button allows you to send a direct message to our editorial staff about typos, needed updates, etc. Hopefully the feedback will improve our overall reporting and make your visits more enjoyable. Don't hesitate to let us know when you see something that shouldn't (or should) be there.
Weekly video(s):
If you look to the right you'll see the latest installment of our weekly video post covering hot topics in juvenile justice. Every Friday morning you can catch a new episode on the website and on our YouTube channel. Can't wait that long? We offer a special sneak peek Thursday nights to our loyal Facebookers.
More than a newspaper:
Speaking of Facebook, here at JJIE we are all about connecting with our community (we say community, not readers, because we hope you think more of us than a block of type) by whatever means work best.
In many ways, this is a divergence from traditional media practices. Believe it or not YOU have the power to tell us what you want covered and odds are we'll listen. We won't jump at your every whim - and we wouldn't expect you to jump for ours - but we're interested in fostering a genuine information exchange among those who are passionate about children and the law.
Then again all of our conversations don't have to be so serious. Have a question or just want to say hi? You can reach us pretty much anytime via our Twitter and Facebook accounts (Granted, we all have to sleep. Don't get too angry if you don't get an immediate response to your 3a.m. post).
But most of all, thanks for reading.