JJIE Hub: Resources — Reentry

Resources for Key Issues

What are Reentry and Aftercare and Why are They Important?

What Challenges Do Youth Face Upon Release from Juvenile Facilities?

Collateral Consequences

Education and Employment

The Coalition for Juvenile Justice discusses the opportunities for collaboration and impact on the problem of youth homelessness and juvenile justice with improved reentry planning as one of the goals.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse
See the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Resources page for further resources.

Reconnecting with Families
See Improving Services for Youth/Family Engagement on the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Resources page for further resources.

Reentry after Short-Term Detention
See Chapter 4 of the Desktop Guide to Reentry for Juvenile Confinement Facilities for best practices on helping youth reintegrate from short-term detention programs.

Challenges Faced by Youth Returning from the Adult Criminal Justice System
You’re an Adult Now details the impact of adult-system involvement on youth, and the options for managing them in that system to obtain the best outcomes.

When to Start Reentry Planning and Critical Elements

What Federal Initiatives are Focused on Youth Reentry?

Resources for Reform Trends

Theoretical Frameworks and Examples of Comprehensive Reentry and Aftercare Models

Using Reentry Thinking to Guide Placement Decisions

Addressing the Challenges of Reentering Youth

Reducing the Collateral Consequences of a Delinquency Adjudication

Supervision that Supports Youth

Using Evidence-based Practices in Reentry and Aftercare

    • See OJJDP’s Model Programs Guide on Detention, Confinement, and Supervision for ratings and information on programs for confined youth and aftercare.
    • CrimeSolutions.gov has evidence ratings, summaries, and more detailed program information on juvenile delinquency prevention programs and practices.
    • The Washington State Institute for Public Policy has many reports and charts of information on evidence-based, research-based, and promising juvenile justice programs, including cost-benefit analyses.
    • See the Evidence-based Practices Resources section for many more databases of programs rated for effectiveness.
    • Center for Juvenile and Criminal Justice's report Collaborating for Successful Reentry is a practical guide for juvenile justice practitioners to aid young people reentering their communities and aid in increasing positive outcomes and removing potential barriers to their future successes in life.

Strengthening Federal Initiatives to Support Reentry

Evaluations of Reentry Programs

    • This report is based on a year-long benchmarking study of the Department of Labor’s employment-focused Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) program. It includes data on several youth-focused programs.

Reentry Sections

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