Probation Camp Alternatives Work Better for Teens
Locking young people up is bad public policy even at more reasonable rates given that detention has consistently been shown to be ineffective at reducing delinquency.
Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (https://jjie.org/tag/community-based-alternatives/page/4/)
Locking young people up is bad public policy even at more reasonable rates given that detention has consistently been shown to be ineffective at reducing delinquency.
Lead4Life, Inc.’s purpose is to create a culture of love and support. We are addressing the school-to-prison pipeline in a very nontraditional manner but one that is extremely effective and provides a meaningful experience for most participants.
At a children’s summer party last Saturday afternoon at the Redfern Houses in Far Rockaway, Penny Wrencher made an introduction between two friends. “This is Nene,” Wrencher said to Taylonn Murphy, “She lost her daughter, too.”
Author Nell Bernstein on the horrors of juvenile prison documented in her new book.
Many drug laws have punishment lengths that do not fit the crime, some experts are saying.
Serrano says he will always remember standing before the judge in Queens Criminal Court awaiting his sentence. It was his third arrest for vandalism charges.
A pilot program in Michigan provides police training on how to recognize and respond to mental health and substance abuse problems with youth.
The White House sent a message to schools across the country Wednesday to abandon severe discipline policies shown to criminalize students for infringements that could be handled without law enforcement.
An interview with Adam Foss, a juvenile prosecutor with the Suffolk county district attorney’s office in Boston.
“The general purpose of this grant is, really at a high level, to engage potential government partners at the county-level, and engage and educate them about the Pay for Success opportunities in these two areas."